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What an outstanding weekend in pursuit of a cure! We are thrilled to announce that over $100,00 was raised at the Wings of Karen Pink Carpet Event. Our high-energy, pink boa-wearing auctioneer, Troy, really got the crowd going with his warm up, but it was all of you that truly got PHYSICAL with your generous contributions. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has supported Wings of Karen, and in particular all of you who made the Pink Carpet Event such a success.
The evening was amplified by a terrific performance by Mycle Wastman in tribute to all those affected by breast cancer, surprise live auction items (including the second Russell Wilson helmet from our dynamic host, Paul Silvi - the MC with heart to top them all - and a second signed guitar from Dave Matthews), a powerful account from our “thriver” Lisa, and a connection to the research we are funding from leaders in the field of breast cancer.


This was truly an evening of celebration and giving. Because of your generous donations to Wings of Karen, promising breast research will be accelerated and brought to life. This is a gift that many in need will benefit from, not only now but for future generations. Funding researchis the key to opening doors until a cure is found. Thanks to our dedicated sponsors and volunteers, 100% of these funds not only benefit the cause but will stay in our world-renowned research community.



We thank our respected researchers, Dr. David Byrd and Dr. Savannah Partridge, for sharing how our funds are currently being used, and where Wings of Karen looks to contribute this year’s funds raised. We will be supporting some of the most promising research locally, including The Tumor Vaccine Group at the UW Medicine, Dr. Mary-Claire King’s lab of genome sciences and UW Medicine’s Center for Cancer Innovation’s study on triple negative breast cancer. Your contribution to Wings of Karen makes these advancements in research all possible. No one takes a cent out of our giving, it’s a straight and direct path to save lives.
With sincere appreciation, thank you for joining Wings of Karen’s efforts to help create a world without breast cancer.
We feel hopeful, grateful and inspired!
Kristi Blair Founder and Director
Wings of Karen
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